The Federal Union AGM will be held in London on Tuesday 10 September 2013.
Guest speaker will be Professor Stephen Haseler, Professor of Government at London Metropolitan University and Director of the Global Policy Institute. He will speak about the importance of a successful European Union in the 21st century, in the face of globalisation, the rise (and possible stagnation) of China, the (relative) decline of America, turmoil in the Middle East, and the impact of demographic change and climate change on European economies and living standards.
Non-members welcome.
Future meetings in this series will look at the economic and political decisions necessary to secure the future of the European Union and Britain’s role in it.
Venue: Room STC S78 in the St Clement’s Building, LSE, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE (nearest tubes Temple, Holborn) – click here for a map
Timings: we start at 6 pm with a short AGM, and will finish by 8 pm.
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Please complete and return the form below, or send an e-mail to, if you able to come to the AGM. There is no charge for attending.
(Programme correct as at 22 August 2013. Federal Union reserves the right to change the programme without notice if circumstances should require.)
Please return to: Federal Union, 61 Leopold Road, London N2 8BG, or e-mail to
[ ] I will be attending the AGM on Tuesday 10 September 2013
[ ] I will not be able to attend the AGM – please report my apologies for absence